Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What is exhaustion?

Okay, well if this isn't it than I don't know what is! ;-) I have been "working" round the clock for the last few days. I wake up at 6am or so and get ready for work, go to work for a full day then come home. Once home the "real" work begins. Taking care of my little monkey's and of course J. The kids, well that is the easy part. Not quite sure how to handle J. He is still dealing with a lot of his pain, which is understandable but man I hate dealing with the anger. WTF? I didn't do this to him, nor did the kids so why he feels the need to treat us like this is just beyond me. Why are men such babies? Why do they treat everyone else like crap when they feel like crap. I really want to try to take care of him and care for him. But the more he yells and the more angry he gets the harder it is for me to do it. Of course, my kids must know that something is up, because they have been up late and throughout the night for the last few nights making this all the more difficult. It's almost like having a new baby in the house, well except they are all much bigger than a new baby! Well the exhaustion hits and I must go to bed. Until the next time....

1 comment:

Patter's World! said...

Oh (((HUGS))) to you!
Being tired just doesn't make anything easier on anyone. I understand why you are so worn down and burned out. :(
I hope and pray it all gets better and soon! Men ARE babies and can't deal with much. Hang in there!