Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here's to a New Year!!

As we come upon the New Year, I have to say that I really am so glad. It has been a rough year for me and so many of my friends. This next year just has to be better... for us all. I am looking forward to a fresh start. I was thinking about some New Years Resolutions and I have decided this year, I am not going to make any except to try to take some time out for myself. I figure, that way I have done nothing to fail, and I can always use a bit more "me" time. :)

I am also ready for J to go back to work, SO ready. I have tried to be patient, but it is so difficult when I come home from a (very) long day at work and then I have to clean and put the kids to bed etc. because he hasn't done a damn thing all day. It has been two months since the surgery, surely by now he can do some light household chores?? But he doesn't, so I spend my evenings and weekends desperately trying to create some order in my home.

So, as I said.. here's to a New Year and even better, a New Me!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is it Christmas yet?

The holidays are amazing and I love them except....
my kids drive me CRAZY! They are so busy this time of the year and so hyper. They want to find out what the gifts are, how many gifts they have and who they came from. It amazes me how much energy they have this time of year. There is no slowing them down. Where can I get just a piece of their energy? I think if we could bottle it up there would be a lot of money in that.

Now I have more gifts to wrap and children to wrestle into bed.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all God's Blessings in the New Year!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


What is it about migraines that can just knock the life out of you? I am sitting here with another migraine and really just want to crawl under a rock. A quiet rock with no kids screaming! A dark rock without the sun shining through. I usually get these once or twice a month and it kills me. I can't figure out why I get them and the doctor can't either. Some people tell me it is because of stress, hmm.. these started when I was about 15, what on earth at 15 are you stressed about?

The nice thing when I was younger is that I could crawl into a room and go to sleep.... for hours. Now, not so much. I have too many responsibilities and who can sleep when your kids are desperately vying for your attention? Not me, and of course it doesn't help the usually my husband usually has some type of responsibility to take care of so then I am usually fighting through a migraine while trying to take care of 3 kids. Very difficult! I do feel sorry for them because I have no patience when I have a migraine. And they are usually in trouble for being loud, or just obnoxious.

Off to take some medicine and try to make it go away in time to get my family out to church this evening.