Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is it Christmas yet?

The holidays are amazing and I love them except....
my kids drive me CRAZY! They are so busy this time of the year and so hyper. They want to find out what the gifts are, how many gifts they have and who they came from. It amazes me how much energy they have this time of year. There is no slowing them down. Where can I get just a piece of their energy? I think if we could bottle it up there would be a lot of money in that.

Now I have more gifts to wrap and children to wrestle into bed.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all God's Blessings in the New Year!

1 comment:

Patter's World! said...

I swear this Christmas came and went so fast! Sigh...
I tell myself each year that i will just sit back and enjoy it for it's true meaning but here is another year i "missed" it again.
I think i need to start my shopping earlier so i don't have that to worry about. ;)