Monday, December 8, 2008

Healing begins...

We are seeing a better side of J these days. He seems to be less frustrated and more happy about the situation he is in. The anger is slowly leaving and bringing some of the old back to life. :) I am so glad and it just eases my mind that much more.

I am also working on bettering myself. I signed up for "LA Boxing" which is a cardio kickboxing gym. Hopefully I can get in there 3 to 5 times a week for my 1 hour workout. I am also going to "detox" as well. I chatted with a doctor and I need to lose about 12 lbs. I can handle 12 lbs, I thought for sure he was going to tell me 25 or 30! Whew!!

At this point, I am just ready for 2009 to get here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We are all recovering from J's surgery, not just him. The surgery was 11 long hours (painfully long!), but it was a sucess. In fact, I would call it more of a miracle, the doctor and his partners are shocked at what a difference he was able to make this time around. Especially since it is the 4th time his back has been operated on. We are so blessed and I truly believe that God had everything to do with it. So now more of the difficult, we wait and try to be patient as J works on healing and takes himself off of the medications he is addicted to. Some of his mood swings can be unbearable, but we're hopeful that he can pull through this. I am hopeful that the man I fell in love with will come shining through and we can fall in love all over again.

It's not just his back that needs to recover, so does our marriage.